Diamond elegance

Diamond elegance, Figure & Portrait
Diamond elegance
In my latest work "Diamond Elegance", I pay homage to the mysterious depth and mysticism that lead the viewer into a world full of serene grandeur. On the canvas measuring 120 cm by 120 cm, I have captured the subtle nuances of grey and white, which allows for the extraction of the depth of the character and gives the composition a unique purity. I have stopped time by creating a portrait that, enlivened by the use of the highest quality oil paints, blooms under UV light, revealing another, mysterious layer of the work.

By using luminescent paints, which bring out the previously hidden glows of the portrait in UV light, my technique allows for a full experience of the work both during the day and at night, offering two different, yet equally fascinating images. This technique, combining traditional painting methods with modern materials, allows for the exploration of new expressive possibilities and gives the work a dynamic, almost three-dimensional effect.

The motif of diamonds in "Diamond Elegance" is not merely decoration; it reflects the inner strength and purity of the portrayed image, while also paying tribute to tradition and craftsmanship. A visit to the oldest diamond factory in Amsterdam, Royal Coster Diamonds, inspired me to create a work that combines the richness of history with modern artistic expression, presenting a portrait full of dignity and timeless beauty. It is not just a study of color and light, but also an expression of the search for new means of expression in portrait art, a work that becomes a bridge between the viewer and the unspoken stories that lie behind every glance.

Figure & Portrait    47 x 47 x 1